Director of the Center for
Advanced Functional Nanorobots

Martin Pumera is the Director of the Center for the Advanced Functional Nanorobots and a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, and Chief Investigator of Future Energy & Innovation Lab at CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic. He received his Ph.D. at Charles University, Czech Republic, in 2001. After two postdoctoral stays (in the United States and Spain), he became a tenured group leader at the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, in 2006. In 2010 Martin joined Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he worked as a tenured associate professor for almost a decade. Prof. Pumera has broad interests in nanomaterials and microsystems, in the specific areas of electrochemistry and synthetic chemistry of 2D nanomaterials, nanotoxicity, micro and nanomachines, and 3D printing. Martin is “2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Highly Cited Researcher” by Clarivate Analytics (as the only chemist in the Czech Republic). He published over 820 papers which received more than 50,000 citations. Martin's h-index is 114. Martin has supervised over 40 postdoctoral associates, 30 PhD students, 8 Master students and over 50 BSc students. Martin takes pride that 14
group members became faculty members at the Universities around the
World, from Spain to Singapore. Total funding Martin received as PI is over 18 M EURO (current active funding 14.8 M EURO). Prof. Pumera is Editor-in-Chief of Appl. Mater. Today (IF 8.01) and member of Editorial Boards of ACS Nano, Small, Chem Eur J, Electrochem Commun, ChemElectroChem, Electroanalysis and other journals.
Martin is the most cited scientist of the Czech Republic and #203 most cited scientist in the World for year 2019.

Interview with Martin in Forbes magazine
Martin was interviewed by the Forbes magazine, telling about his research, plans and vision in the field of nanorobotics

Hyde Park: Nanorobots on Czech TV in prime time
Martin talks for 1h at the national TV about Nanorobots and Science in general. Summary can be find here in printed form.
Martin is Highly Cited Researcher
- March 5, 2021
- April 16, 2020
- April 1, 2020
- February 17, 2020
- February 16, 2020
- November 25, 2019
- November 8, 2019
- November 6, 2019
- September 12, 2019
- September 3, 2019
- September 2, 2019
- September 1, 2019
- July 31, 2019
- June 26, 2019
- June 25, 2019
- May 13, 2019
- April 30, 2019
- April 26, 2019
- March 28, 2019